Pieces of me.
It started suddenly, or from what I can remember, it was the first sensation that I felt…
With every motion of my jaw, the jagged, biting chunks of glass were crushed by my teeth. It was a slow, monotonous action which seemed to be taking place. My every heartbeat pulsed with mind-altering pain. I craved for the torment to conclude but as much as my body quivered and my soul cried, I remained there transfixed by the routine of it all. Pain was all I knew.
I did awake at one point, however when slumber returned so did the suffering.
Time, as with most dreams, moved differently; no matter how many times I closed my jaws the glass would not diminish in size. A concoction of glass and blood is what I tasted. Eventually the eternity of a dream ended and I awoke…
It felt like coming up for air after an arctic swim. I lay there breathing heavily; flashes of the dream ran wild through my mind (as if the dream itself was not enough). I realized then, that the glass was actually pieces of a mirror which opposed me. The most frightful fact of this dream was not the glass-eating but the mirror in which the consumed pieces had been replaced by a vacuous blackness where the reflection of my face should have been.
The Sandman
As my first post I hope you enjoy this. More will follow; I have to dream them up though (literally). Happy reading.